Hegel P30A
Hegel P30A
The P30A is Hegel's reference preamplifier. They have nicknamed it The Conductor because its job is to control the power amplifier with a signal that is as true to the music as possible. In their view, the preamplifier is the most critical component in a great sounding system, and it is also the hardest to get right. The very low amplitude signals coming from the source are easily corrupted, so in-depth technical know-how and clever engineering are needed to make sure the signal stays the same all the way through the preamplifier. With the P30A they have deployed all their skills in doing just that.
First, Hegel uses a single pair FET transistors that have no higher order harmonic distortion. Within any batch of transistors, there will always be slight measurement variations. This might be within the bounds of what is considered normal deviations, but for sensitive electronics like this, that simply isn't good enough. Therefore, Hegel's founder and chief engineer Bent measures and carefully matches those transistors that have the exact same values. Having perfectly matched transistors is of paramount importance to the performance of the preamplifier, and it makes the P30A sound very smooth and natural, without compromising on the details. Furthermore, the internal layout is designed in a way that makes the signal paths within the preamplifier as short as possible. This reduces the possibility of distortion coming from electrical interference. To further reduce distortion, we also minimize the number of electrical components the signal passes through. In the P30A the music signal only passes through two transistors and an ultra-low noise volume attenuator. The P30A also uses Hegel's patented SoundEngine technology. This actively monitors the music signal for corruptions and corrects for intermodulation distortion using a feed forward design. SoundEngine effectively removes distortion in real time as the signal is amplified.