Vandersteen VSM Signature CT
Vandersteen VSM Signature CT
Vandersteen VSM Signature CT
The Vandersteen VSM Signature CT is a high-performance surface-mount loudspeaker developed and refined by twenty years of advanced research into dynamic loudspeaker design. Its innovative engineering, exceptional materials and quality construction have resulted in a true high-fidelity speaker unmatched by conventional or on-wall speakers.
With its superior capabilities, the excels as a surround speaker in a high-fidelity A/V system. Like all Vandersteen speakers, the VSM Signature CT is phase correct with both its woofer and Carbon tweeter wired in positive phase through transient-perfect, first-order crossover networks. In combination with phase correct main and center speakers, the VSM allows you to realize the significant spatial and sonic benefits of a totally phase coherent A/V System.
Its moderate size and versatile on-wall placement allow it lo be easily integrated into almost any decor or environment. its aligned, coaxial design guarantees consistent superior performance through-out the listening area regardless of its height or position on the wall. The contour control allows you to tailor its high frequency balance lo your specific system and environment.
The Vandersteen Audio VSM Signature CT is designed and built in the United States of America.